Group Leader: Nick Talbott –
The group meets via Zoom on Mondays at 2:30pm at roughly two-week intervals. Group members will be informed of meetings by email so please contact the group leader if you wish to be included.
The computer group is open to any u3a member and caters for all levels of ability. It does not matter whether your computer uses Linux, Apple Mac OS X or Windows. The intention is to develop computer skills generally, without favouring any particular computer system. You can see a list of topics we have previously covered.
Any u3a member is welcome to contact the group leader for help with any IT issues.
The next few group meetings will be given over to answering questions and dealing with topics that don’t warrant a series of session to cover. Group members are invited to contact the group leader with their computer questions. Email
The group is nearing the end of the topic on Spreadsheets so we will soon be starting a new topic on April 4th.
For this topic we’ll be considering the various types of risk that you can be exposed to when you browse websites or handle email. We’ll cover things like anti-virus products; blocking advertising; what “cookies” are and if you should worry about them; personal privacy issues and “identity theft”; “scam” and “phishing” emails; bogus websites; “malware”, “ransomeware” and other threats which we all want to avoid.
Please contact Nick Talbott if you would like to join the group or suggest a topic. You do not need to have previously attended computer group meetings as the group is open to any u3a member.
The computer group will continue to meet using Zoom as this format seems to work well for members and allows many more participants.