This group is not currently active.
Would you consider being the group leader for this group, or for a new group along similar lines?
Please contact the Interest Groups Co-ordinator
Meetings are now held at Celf O Gwmpas in Tremont Road on the 2nd Friday of the month – doors open at 2.15pm, for 2.30pm start. Cost is £2.00 per person per session, which covers refreshments and contribution towards the cost of room hire. Please enter by door from disabled area of Car Park.
A committee of members chooses a film to be viewed each month but any member may make suggestions to be considered by the committee. The programme is planned from September to May. Occasionally a visit to see a film at Wyeside Cinema may be arranged.
We now have new projection equipment, so are able to show the better quality BluRay discs when available.
Any member of Llandrindod U3A is welcome to attend but it is helpful if you can let the group leader know in advance so that we can make appropriate arrangements for seating and refreshments. Nobody will be turned away!
2019-2020 Programme
- October 11: Red Joan
- November 8: Grand Slam
- December 13: The Apartment
- January 10: The Railway Man
- February 14: Tiger Bay
- March 12: Fisherman’s Friends
- April 17: The White Crow
- May 8: Make Me An Offer