Lecture meeting on 13th March 2023

An Introduction to Permaculture

Talk by: Chris Evans

Everything you wanted to know about Permaculture but never dared to ask.

Chris Evans is a permaculture designer and trainer from Applewood Permaculture Centre in North Herefordshire. In his illustrated talk Chris will introduce Permaculture, showing how it goes way beyond “organic gardening” as a way of shifting livelihoods, lifestyles and land use towards a more regenerative, sustainable and nature-friendly culture.

In these days of climate change, biodiversity loss, conflict and increasing disparity between rich and poor, he argues that the need for ethical and nature-friendly strategies has never been more apparent – and while most of us recognise this we are still frozen in patterns of destructive and colonial mindsets. Permaculture as a design process has a way of moving away from these paradigms towards one of abundance and cooperation, in a win-win situation that also regenerates ecologies.

Speaker biography

Chris started his permaculture learning pathway while working as a VSO forester in Nepal in the ’80s, and still retains strong links with grass-roots projects there. Meanwhile, Chris lives at Applewood with his partner Looby and children Shanti and Teya. He has taught permaculture in the UK, Europe, Nepal, India, U.S.A. and Mexico. He is also a senior level tutor for apprentices working towards their diploma in applied permaculture design with the Permaculture Association Britain.

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