Lecture meeting on 9th July 2018

Vanity Architecture

Talk by: David Mitchell

David’s talk is part historical but essentially shows how basic living needs developed with wealth into domestic, governmental and commercial architecture that became a medium for vanity and/or control. David will also show how that architecture reflected the personalities and regimes that spawned it. The talk will be fully illustrated by relevant examples.

A report of the meeting by Clive Barrett is available to download.

Speaker biography

Born in London and educated at St. Benedict’s, Ealing, David qualified as teacher with hons. degree in geography and geology. He retired as Senior Lecturer from The Henley College and moved to Llangors in 2001. Former hobbies include sea kayaking, sailing, painting, the Territorial Army and mountain walking. Now, due to poor eyesight, he spends his time gardening and furthering his own education. He joined Brecon U3A in 2002 and served on committee for many years including spell as chairman. He is married to Suzette with two daughters and five grandchildren.

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