Regional and National Opportunities

As a member of Llandrindod u3a you also have access to u3a events and resources organised by the u3a at regional and national level.

u3a National programmes

The programmes include many projects you can join in with, including maths challenges, creative writing, photography and quizzes.

There are also free online sessions on a range of topics.

Read more about u3a National programmes

Shared Learning Projects

Shared Learning Projects take many forms. Some are devised on a national or regional basis, and others are devised and run by the members themselves. While much activity has been postponed during the pandemic, online activities have continued.

Read about the Wales region Castles Shared Learning Project

High Street National Project

Our u3a took part in the National High Street Project in 2021. We are awaiting the call to revisit our High Streets in Llandrindod Wells and Rhayader in approximately two years time to monitor what changes have occurred in the interim. This information will be fed into the National project and the final report on what changes are happening throughout the UK will be read with interest to see how we compare.

Get the National Newsletter

The Third Age Trust produces a regular newsletter with information, advice and news from across the u3a movement.

Sign up for the National newsletter

The u3a in Wales

Visit the Wales u3a website to find out about other u3a activities in Wales.