Our Meeting Programme

Our full meetings take place on the 2nd Monday of each month at the Hotel Metropole, Llandrindod Wells. We meet for coffee at 10:00am followed by a talk given by a guest speaker on a subject of general interest.

Prospective members are offered ONE free visit to any of our general meetings. Come along – you will be sure of a warm welcome!

For full details and meeting reports of previous lecture meetings, please visit our meetings archive page.

… interesting and informative speakers on a wide range of topics, learning about subjects I would never have considered

Coronavirus precautions

The committee will continue to monitor the Covid situation Nationally and at a local level and will follow guidelines and take actions as necessary to protect the membership.

Forthcoming Meetings

Please note that the programme of meetings is subject to change. This page will be updated as and when changes occur.

You can download our meeting programme as a Calendar file (.ics) which you can import into your calendar

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12th August 2024

“Planetary Defence in Wales – Project Drax

Jonathan Tate

The work of the Spaceguard Centre near Knighton in tracking potentially dangerous asteroids using the largest telescope in Wales.

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9th September 2024

Life and Work in Uganda

Penny Williams

Telling the story of an area on the outskirts of Kampala an the people who live there.

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14th October 2024

Plastic: Destroyer or Saviour of the Planet

Professor Averil Macdonald OBE

Details to follow

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11th November 2024

Wales – A paradise for Lichens

Ray Woods

Awaiting details

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9th December 2024

A 1960s Christmas

Gina Maddison

Reminiscences about a time when we gathered around a roaring coal fire to open our Christmas presents and saw in the New Year with Andy Stewart and the White Heather Club!

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13th January 2025

GeoWorld Travel: Scenery Explained

James Creswell

James will describe his visits to some of the world’s best geological sites.

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10th February 2025

Bitter feuds and bloodshed: the 200-year struggle to control Maelienydd

Philip Hume

The 200 year struggle for control of the medieval cantref of Maelienydd between the native Welsh rulers and the Mortimer family,

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10th March 2025

Water Mills in Wales

Tim Haines

Details to follow

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