Art Group

The Zentangle Method

During 2017 we had a couple of very interesting sessions led by Alan Quincey on “Zentangle”

“The Zentangle Method is an easy to learn, fun and relaxing way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns.”

Zentangles are miniature pieces of unplanned, abstract, black and white art created through a very specific method from an ensemble of simple, structured patterns called tangles. The process of creating a Zentangle is a form of “artistic meditation” as one becomes completely engrossed in making each pattern, deliberately focusing on “one stroke at a time”. The creativity options and pattern combinations are boundless. Both the tangles used, and the resulting completed tile are intended to be unplanned, abstract, non-objective creations that grow organically as each deliberate stroke in laid down. The results can be surprising, beautiful and are always unique even when the group works together and is given the same instructions!